We have woven exquisite verses by Al-Mutanabbi in a beautiful Arabic script that harmonizes with the arrangement of its letters, within a collection we have name named 'Wadoud'.This distinntive design adorns numerous pieces, creating a cohesive artistic ensemble, As is typical of Al-Muatanabbi, who masterfully blends praise and criticism,he composed these verses to commend people of affection and generosity whom he visited, while also teasing an old friend called Dawood. زُرْ دَارَ وُدٍ إِنْ أَرَدْتَ وُرُوْدَا ... وَارْدَعْ وَدَعْ دَارَاً أَوَتْ دَاوُوْدَا وَإِذَا رَأَوْا مَرْءاً وَدُوْداً وَارِداً ...زَادُوهُ وِداً أَنْ رَأَوْهُ وَدُوْدَا...